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来源:郑州奥数网整理      2012-02-15 16:05:58


  第一讲 名词和名词的数



  (一)专有名词有:人名、    地名、      国家名、         某国人、          语言名、

  (Liming) (Beijing) (China、Japan) (Chinese、Japanese) (Chinese、)

  星期、     月份、      节日名

  (Sunday) (January) (New Year’s Day)





  ⊙语法重点 --名词变复数:

  ① 一般情况加s:地图maps;书包bags;老师teachers;橘子oranges;玫瑰roses;猫cats;床beds




  ② 单词结尾是s、sh、ch、x + es、发音读/iz/:

  女服务员们   穿着连衣裙    拿着玻璃杯    坐着公共汽车,  去上课。

  waitress-dress-         glass-         bus-          class-

  盒子里走出几只狐狸,端着碟子,拿着刷子,戴着手表,吃着桃子来到海滩上,看教练     训鸵鸟。

  box-          fox-dish-     brush-watch-    peach-   beach-     coach-   ostrich-

  ③ 以 o结尾分两种

  1)加es:黑人Negro- 英雄hero- 土豆potato- 西红柿tomato- 要加es

  一句话语法 :英雄爱吃土豆、西红柿。


  竹林边有   照相馆;  钢琴上有  收音机;动物园里有    袋鼠的     照片

  bamboo-    studio-     piano-     radio-   zoo-         kangaroo-   photo-

  ④ 以 y结尾的分两种:


  国家城市有   工厂;   图书馆里有  词典;    婴儿   爱好听  故事

  country-city-    factory-   library-  dictionary-   baby-   hobby-  story-

  家庭     聚会吃    草莓。

  family-   party-    strawberry-

  2)元音字母加上y结尾的单词,直接加s:boy-    toy-    key-

  ⑤ 以f,fe结尾的名词,变f,fe为ves

  妻子   拿刀   去宰狼,吓得小偷忙逃亡,躲在架后保  己   命, 半片     树叶  遮目光

  wife-   knife-    wolf-     thief-           shelf-    self-  life-  half-     leaf-

  ⑥ 特殊名词特殊记:


  男人、 女人   和    商人、      英                 法       联盟a变e,

  man-   woman    businessman-   Englishman-       Frenchman-

  中                 日        友好(单,复)是一致

  Chinese-          Japanese-

  其他一律加s:German-      American-

  2)中,日,瑞士人喜欢    鱼、     绵羊 、     鹿,

  Chinese,Japanese,Swissfish-      sheep-deer-


  小孩 child-         小孩也是“ren”

  老鼠 mouse-        老鼠爱大米(rice)

  4)脚   和     牙齿oo变ee:foot-     tooth-

  2 集体名词

  集体名词定义: 表示同一类别的人、动物或物件的集合体的名称叫做集体名词。

  集体名词中有的是可数名词,如:family (家庭)   、group   (小组)、  team (队)  、   police (警察),有的是不可数名词,如:clothing (衣服) 、  furniture (家具),但在形式上都用单数形式。

  people(人们), police(警察), family(家庭), team(队), group(组), crowd(人群), cattle(牛群),class (班级)等均为集体名词。这些词表示一个整体概念时看作单数,强调集体中的成员时作复数看待。




  His family is a large family. 他的家是个大家庭。

  His family are workers.    他的家人都是工人。


  英语中共有26个字母,其中元音字母有5个,它们是A、E、I、O、 U

  26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]   B b [bi:]  C c [si:]  D d [di:]  E e [i:]  F f [ef] G g [d3i:]  H h [eit∫]

  I i [ai]    J j [d3ei]  K k [kei]  L l [el] M m [em]  N n [en]  O o [?u]   P p [pi:]  Q q [kju:] R r [a:]  S s [es]

  T t [ti:]   U u [ju:]   V v [vi:]  W w [′d ?blju:]  X x [eks]   Y y [wai]   Z z  [zed]





  / ?u/的家族都有音素/ ?u/

  / ju:/的家族都有音素/ ju:/



  三 趣味练习  选出不具有相同因素的字母

  1、A H J Z    2、V B G J      3、F L E N    4、S R M X    5、D Y P T    6、U Q W O

  7、H N M L      8、H I J K      9、T V B J    10、G C E Z     11、D F N X      12、M N F Y

  挑战一下 试着给以下字母标音

  N                H           W          X        Q        U

  J                 G          R           F        M        O

  当堂练         姓名              日期      月     日  正确率

  一 给下列的名词加上复数的形式

  book         map      cat        picture           house      watch       bus      dress

  class        classroom       glass         brush         dish       month          mouth

  box         boy         baby         story          lady         family         day________

  key __________ monkey          photo        radio          piano          zoo            tomato

  potato     leaf            knife         wife             man          woman

  Frenchman       child       Chinese         German          fish          foot             tooth

  mouse          sheep        parent          Japanse

  二  填单词并用词的适当形式天空

  1.It is raining. Please take your          (伞).

  2.Listen !Mr.Wood is playing the         (钢琴)

  3.There are a lot of          (邮票) in my box.

  4.It is 300          (千米)from Beijing to Shijiazhuang.

  5.These         (小孩) are playing on the playground.

  6. These balls are five            (美元).

  7. In ____________(春天), we often fly kite in the park

  8. I wanted some special        (礼物)from Canada.

  9.Li Ming likes______  (零食) very much.10. He likes playing       (电脑) games.

  11. Are_________ (这些) your friends?12. Do you always do your         (作业)?

  13. .The _______     (窗户) of the room are very big.

  14. That is Jenny’s ________   (卧室).15. There are some       (小鸟)in the sky.

  16.There are sixty            (分钟)in an hour

  17. I bought some            (东西)  in the store .

  18.What is your favourite           (运动)

  19.The          (花) bloom in spring.

  20.There are twelve            (月)in a year.

  三 选出不同类的选项

  (  ) 1. A gray     B green    C glasses  D brown    E red

  (  ) 2. A zoo      B gym      C shop     Dclass     E park

  (  ) 3. A Mr       B Smith     C My      D Lucy     E Mrs

  (  ) 4. A father   B teacher   C mother  D sister   E cousin

  (  ) 5. A brother  Bdriver     C worker  D cook     E student

  (  ) 6. A eraser   Bpencil     C dictiongary D book E key

  (  ) 7. A flower   Bhat        C shoes   D coat     Eshirt

  (  ) 8. A chick    Bpig        C fox     D door     E sheep

  (  ) 9. A pineappleBpeach      C pea     D pear     E melon

  (  ) 10.A milk     Bmeat       C water   D juice    E tea

  四 下列各题中均有一个句子是错误的,请将它的序号填入题前的括号内。

  (  ) 1 A It’s a cup.    B There are cups.     C These are a cup.     D Those aren’t cups.

  (  ) 2 A She is a teacher.   B He is a teacher, too.  C There are teachers    D They is teachers.

  (  ) 3 A Nice to meet you.   B Here you are.   C How you are?  D How do you do?

  (  ) 4 A This’s is a China’s stamp.    B That’s China’s stamp.

  C These are China’s stamps.      D Those are China’s stamps.

  (  ) 5 A what color is the desk?         B What’s color is the desk?

  C What color are the desks?       D What color are those desks?

  (  ) 6 A Yes, it isn’t       B yes, it is.  C No, they aren’t.       D no, it isn’t.

  (  ) 7 A I am a Chinese.      B She is Japanese.  C We are Chinese    D They are Americans.

  五 翻译

  1 你是一名学生。

  2 她有两个哥哥。




  6 那些是他们的朋友。









  米饭     面包        肉,   牛奶       水        和  茶

  rice /rais/ bread/bred/ meat/mi:t/ milk/milk/ water/ 'wot ? /      tea/ti:/


  时间           就是   金钱       挣钱就要有人帮助        找工作

  time/taim/           money /m?ni/           help /help /     work /w?:k/

  工作环境要天气好,        温度舒适

  weather /'we?? /   temperature /×temprit∫?/



  ① 表示不确定的数量时,不可数名词常用some (一些),little (几乎没有), a little (一点儿),

  much (许多), a lot of (许多)等来修饰,如:There is a little water in the glass.   I have a lot of homework to do。

  ② 表示确切的数量时,不可数名词要用“不定冠词或数词+计量名词+of”这一结构来修饰。常见的计量名词有glass (玻璃杯), cup (杯), bag (包), bottle (瓶), piece (块,片), bowl(碗)、pair(双)等,这些计量名词都是可数名词,有复数形式。不可数名词在表达复数意义是,相应的量词变为复数,相应地,后面的谓语用复数形式。

  a glass of milk 一玻璃杯牛奶      two cups of tea 两杯茶

  三瓶啤酒                            四玻璃杯果汁

  五张纸                              六碗米饭

  七袋苹果                            八双鞋

  仔细观察发现:在可数名词的复数里,如果是表示双的事物,一般都要用a pair of  glasses(一副眼镜) socks (袜子)/shoes(鞋子) / sandals(拖鞋,凉鞋)/ shorts(一条短裤)


  a glass 一个玻璃杯                   glass   玻璃

  可数名词      a paper  一张报纸      不可数名词    paper   纸

  a dress  一件连衣裙                  dress   (统指)衣服

  a fish   一条鱼                       fish    鱼肉






  清辅音/p/  /t/  /k/  /f/  /θ/  /s/  /?/  /t?/  /ts/  /tr/  /h/

  浊辅音/b/  /d/  /g/  /v/  /?/  /z/  /?/  / dz /  /dr/

  /r/  /l/  /m/  /n/  / ?/  /w/   /j/

  辅音浊化: /s/ 后面的清辅音浊化现象可以这样归纳:清辅音跟着一个元音,前面又有一个 /s/ ,无论是在单词的最前面还是中间,只要是在重读音节或次重读音节里,一般都读成对应浊辅音,如stand, strike, speak, sky,spring,sport,student 等等,值得一提的是strike不是不用变,而是它“tr”本来所发的音已是浊辅音,但也要变成“dr”所发的那个音。

  当堂练         姓名              日期      月     日  正确率


  woman  class  monkey  party  rice  shelf  bottle  man  watch   time fox  boy  foot   food  potato  money family  milk  tomato   bus  sheep   juice  key dollar  child  fish   radio  toy   leaf   story  tooth  knife    photo    air  water   bread  meat    wife  temperature  work  soup   luck




  1 I like _______(茶) very much.

  2.Do you always do your          (作业)?

  3.The rain is falling from the          (天空).

  4 There is some ________ in the bottle. (水).

  5. Lucy likes _______ ( 沙拉)very much.6. Let’s have some orange________. (果汁)

  7. He has two      (杯) of tea every day.

  8.I  would  like   three       (双) of  shoes.

  9.What’s the          (天气)like today?

  10. What’s the        (温度)?

  11.How      (多少)students are there in your class.

  12.How      (多少钱) are your pens? .

  13.My family ____ a big family.

  14.My family ____all here.(选择is/are 填空)


  1 一张中国地图                  2 六个男老师

  3 五个家庭                      4 三张纸

  5 八个盒子                      6 七条鱼

  7 九本词典                      8 十棵香蕉树

  9 四盒书                        10 两片面包




  例句①I am a student.   ② It is an red apple.  ③ This is my friend.   ④She is a woman doctor.

  ⑤What color is the flower?   ⑥He is at home.

  1  人称代词主格要由单数形式变为复数形式即:I→we,you→you (you的单复数形式相同)

  he (she, it)→they?

  ①                         ②

  ④                         ⑥

  2  am, is要变为are

  ①                         ②

  ③                        ④

  ⑤                         ⑥

  3 不定冠词a/an要去掉

  ①                        ②


  4 指示代词this和that要分别变为these或those


  5 可数名词单数要变为其相应的复数形式

  ①                          ②

  ③                          ④

  ⑤                          ⑥

  6 man或woman作定语修饰可数名词时,在整个句子变成复数句的情况下,也要变为复数形式



  ②                          ④

  ⑤                          ⑥



  名词代词要变化,am, is要变are。

  this, that变成啥,these, those来替它。

  he, she, it要变啥,全部变they不用怕。

  人称名词复数变,  记清不规则变化


  单数句:--What’s this?      --It’s a pen

  复数句  --What           .                   .

  单数句:--What’s that?       --It’s an English book.

  --What           .                          .

  当堂练         姓名              日期      月     日  正确率

  一  按要求写出所给单词的复数形式.

  1.snowman _____ 2. leaf _____   3. family _____   4. city _____  5. dish ______

  6. child _____   7. man ______  8. woman ______ 9. dress ______ 10 potato

  11.piano        12. toy        13. Englishman        14.Chinese

  15. wife        16. wolf       17. fox         18 peach      19 name

  二 把下列句子改为复数句子形式

  1.This is a nice flower.________ ________ nice _________.

  2. This is a girl.___ _______ ___________girls.

  3. This is a backpack.__ ______ _______ backpacks. __________ __________ ___

  4. This is Tony’s ruler.___ ______ _________Tony’s _ ______ .

  5. This is my parent. __ ______ _________ my _ _____  _ __.

  6. This is a bedroom.

  7. The flower is red._________ _________ _________ __________

  8. Here is your book. Here ______ ______ _______.

  9. He / She is a teacher.

  10. She is a woman doctor. They  ________ ________ doctors.

  11.What is this?  What _____ ___       _?

  12.It is an eraser.

  13. She is my uncle’s daughter._______  _______ my uncle’s ________

  14. I am a student.

  15. He’s a Chinese boy.


  1.They come from different

  A. country    B. countries    C. a country    D. countrys

  2.  How many ______ do you see in the picture?

  A. tomatos   B. tomatoes C. tomato     D. the tomato

  3 A cat has four ____   , doesn't it? A. foots  B. feet   C. feets    D food

  4. There are three ____ and five _____ in the room.

  A. American, Japanese B Americans, Japanese C. American, Janpaneses

  5The girl brushes her _____ every day before he goes to bed.

  A. tooths    B. teeth  C. teeths

  They are American girls. (改为单数句子)______ ______  _____ American ________.

  These are sheep.(变单数句 )

  第二讲  代词

  基础语法篇 -代词是代替名词的词(pron.)。主语用主格,宾语用宾格。形容词性物主代词用在名词前。名词性物主代词,当做名词来用。



  人称代词主格IyouhesheIt weyouthey







  I love you,you love me.         我爱你,你爱我,

  It’s my happy family.      它是我的幸福家庭。

  I love mine,you love yours.   我爱我家,你爱你家。

  They make a happy world.    它们组成一个快乐的世界。

  一、 人称代词用于表示人的称谓的代词就是人称代词

  1、人称代词写法  一句话语法:人称代词分主宾,只有八对要区分,你,it 和你们,主格宾格是同型









  He  will  teach us  English  next term.下学期他将教我们英语。(动词之后)

  I wrote  a letter  to  him  last  week.上周我给他写了一封信。(介词之后)



  ① 人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如:

  He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。

  She has lunch at twelve. 她十二点吃午餐。

  It looks like a cat. 它看起来像只猫。

  ② 单个人名、地名或称呼作主语;是第三人称单数。如:

  Liming looks like his mother. 韩梅看起来像她的母亲。

  Beijing is in China. 北京在中国。

  Uncle Wang often makes cakes. 王叔叔经常做蛋糕。

  ③ 单数可数名词或"this / that / the+单数可数名词"作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:

  This book is yours. 这本书是你的。

  That car is red. 那辆小汽车是红色的。

  The cat is Lucy's. 这只猫是露茜的。

  ④ 不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:

  Everyone is here. 大家到齐了。

  There is something wrong with the watch. 这块手表有毛病。

  This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。That is an eraser. 那是一块橡皮擦。

  ⑤ 不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。如:

  The milk is in the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里。

  The bread is very small. 那面包很小。

  ⑥ 当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如:

  "6" is a lucky number. "6"是个吉利数字。  "I" is a letter. "I"是个字母。





  一般词尾加s: (清清;浊浊;元浊)

  ch,s, sh后+ es:读/iz/

  o结尾 + es:go,do-goes/g ?u z/,does/ d ? z/

  辅+ y结尾变i加es:读/z/


  当堂练         姓名              日期      月     日  正确率

  一  把下列主语分类

  A. we,   B. Jack,   C. the sun,   D. the boy,  E. our city,   F. my grandparents,     G. the twins,   H. my friends,

  I. Daisy and Mary,     J. Paul,    K .they,   L .you,   M .you and I,   N.one of the teachers,   O. the only child,

  P. those girls,   Q. that man,  R. these women,  S. your pants,  T. those people,  U. the foot,    V. the flies over there,

  W. our  teacher ,   X. your  teeth,   Y. a baby,     Z. many countries





  二 给出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。

  help_______ listen_______write______tell_______ come         study____ try____ fly_____cry____   stay_____

  buy____       say______ do______go______ ride_______show_____ draw_____push_______finish______watch

  teach_______ kiss____     make________ have      live       want        need

  三 用所给词的适当形式填空

  1. We often ___________ (play) in the playground.

  2. He _________ (get) up at six o'clock.

  3. Danny ____________ (study) English, Chinese, math, science and art at school.

  4. Mike sometimes __________ (go) to the park with his sister.

  5 At eight at night, she ____________ (watch) TV with her parents.

  6.I          (want) to play ball.

  7.He         (go) to school everyday.

  8. Lily         (like) to go to the zoo.

  9.My parents sometimes          (tell) me a story.

  10.She always         (get) up late.

  11. Winter          (come) after summer.

  12. Jack usually          (do) his homework at home.

  13. I usually             (go) to school at 7 o’clock.

  14. Elephants               (like) to eat peanuts.

  15. My friend  usually          (go) to school  by  bike.

  四 单选

  1 Is she your aunt?  Yes, ______.

  A. she’s        B. her is        C. she is            D. he is

  2 Are ________coats yours? Yes, they are .

  A. they         B. these         C. this           D. there

  3 _______ is my friend. ________ name is Li Ming.

  A. He, His    B. She, Her      C. He, My    D. She, His

  4 My aunt ________dancing, and I ________ singing.

  A like; like    B like; likes     C likes; like  D liking.like

  5 Can you teach       English?A us    B we     C ours      D our

  6 Your coat is nice. Please _________.

  A put it on    B put on it      C put on     D put it

  7 Jenny____ English every evening.

  A has study B studies C study D studied

  8 My father         newspaper every morning.

  A. read   B. reads   C. is reading   D reading

  9. I usually         up early.

  A. get   B. gets   C. am getting    D. will get

  10. Tom usually         his hair in the morning.

  A. wash   B. washes   C. is washing  D washs

  11.Can you pass the letter for      ?

  Amine     B me      C I      D my

  12.Let      help

  Aus,they    Bwe,them  C us,them D we,they

  13.My parents love me,and I love     ,too

  A   it     B him      C them     D they

  14.Thank you for helping

  A he       Bhim       C we      Dtheir

  15         are in the same class.

  A I  and you    B you and me       C you and I    D you and us

  提高题  选出错误的一项并将正确的答案写在后面的横线上

  1 The  bird  flyes  back   in  spring

  A    B     C

  2 Kate  have  an apple. What do you have?

  A     B            C

  3 Kate and Jim has  two boxes  of  chocolate.

  A      B          C

  4 Hank often driving  his  car on weekends

  A         B             C

  5 His father is  works in a factory.改成:  ____________

  A      B           C翻译


  2 他是老师,他教我们英语。


  4 我们是中国人,我们爱中国。

  5 他们是英国人,他们住在伦敦。







  1、物主代词的写法  一句话语法:一加二留五S


  数           人称    类别单数复数

  第一 人称第二 人称第三人称第一 人称第二 人称第三 人称





  my book    his ruler   our teacher


  The book is mine.



  如:a teacher's book  一本老师的书


  ① 单数名词词尾加"' s ",如the boy's bag 那男孩的书包

  ②若名词已有复数词尾-s ,只加" ' ",如:the teachers’office 老师的办公室

  ③如果是复数,但不带-s词尾,则仍加“’s”:the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国


  1) 表示时间的名词:today’s paper?今天的报纸

  2) 表示集体的名词:government’s view?政府的看法

  3) 表示国家、城市等的名词:country’s capital国家的首都

  4) 表示某些机构的名称:the hotel’s entrance旅馆的门口

  5)表示自然现象的名词: the moon's rays 月光

  6)表示度量衡及价值的名词,如:a mile's distance 一英里的距离 twenty dollars' value

  ⑤在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,名词所有格的后面常常不出现它所修饰的名词,如肉铺叫a butcher’s shop ,但通常略写为a butcher’s 。类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略:a tailor’s裁缝铺 // a barber’s理发店 // a doctor’s诊所 // my sister’s我姐姐的家 // stationer’s文具店 // Chaplin’s卓别林的家

  ⑥如果表示两人共有的概念,则只在第二名词词尾加"'s",如:Lucy and Lily's room 表示露希和莉莉共有一个房间。

  ⑦凡不能加’s的名词,都可以用"名词+of +名词"的结构来表示所有关系。例如 the title of the song 歌的名字,a map of China 一张中国地图




  音节的核心是元音,由一个或几个元音字母代表。一个单词中有几个元音,就有几个音节。少数辅音字母,如:l ,m ,n也可同前面的辅音字母构成一个音节。一个音节里可以只有一个元音字母而没有其他字母,如:I ,a 。但多数情况是一个音节中既有元音字母,又有辅音字母。元音字母的前面或后面可以有一个或几个辅音字母,或前后都有辅音字母。如:ask,bus,sit,she,at,basket。


  元音单元音长元音:/ i:/  /:/ /u:/  /:/  /a:/

  短元音:/i/   // /u/  // /?/ /e/  //

  双元音/ei/ /ai/ /i/  /i/ /e/  /u/  /u/  /au/

  、趣味知识  CULTURAL TIPS   人称排序




  ①you ②he,she ③I:如:you and I ;  you and he ;  he and I ;  you,he and I.

  (2)复数::①we ②you ③they

  如:we and they ; we and you ; you and they ; we,you and they.

  (3)第三人称男女两性并用时,男先女后:he and she.


  如:I,he and you will be scolded for being late.

  They ,you and we should leave her atonee.

  (5)如果和比自己身份低的人或动物并排时,说成:I and my children , I and cat等。

  当堂练         姓名              日期      月     日  正确率

  一 选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。

  1. This is(my / I)mother.  2. Nice to meet (your / you).

  3.(He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name?

  5. Excuse(me / my / I).   6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?

  7. (I/ My)am Ben.       8. (She / Her)is my sister.

  9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)

  二  用所给词的正确形式填空。

  1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers.        2. That is _______( she ) sister.

  3. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary.   4.        bike is broken. ( I )

  5. Now _____________(her parent)  are in  America.

  6. Those __________ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students.

  7. Do you know  ______ ( it ) name?      8. Thanks for helping _____(I)

  9. ______ (Ann安)mother is _____(we) teacher.

  10.This is       (we) house.This house is      (we).


  1.I am (缩写词) _____    2. men(单数) _________3. it’s (全写形式) ______

  4. you are(缩写词)_______ 5. Let’s ( 全写形式) _______6. feet (单数) ___

  7. he ( 宾格) _______8. mine (形容词性物主代词) ______9.he(复数)

  10.babies(单数)______11. leaves(单数) _______12.watches(单数) ________

  13.child (复数) _________14.there (同音词) _____ 15.be(三单形式)________

  16 have(三单形式)       17 study(三单形式)       18.her(主格)           四单选

  1-Is that __________ uncle?- No, it isn’t.

  A. he        B. she       C. her        D. hers.

  2 Kate is a good girl. _ often helps us learn English.

  A. I    B. You    C. She    D. We

  3 Liming  is my good friend. _  favorite food is chicken.

  A. His    B. Her    C. She     D. He

  4 Li Ming is one of my best _____________.

  A. friends    B. friend   C. the friends   D. a friends

  5 _______your father older than your uncle?

  A. Is        B. Are   C. Am   D. Was

  6 After breakfast, Jenny brushes ________ teeth.

  A. she       B. her   C. him    D. he

  7 Your pen is red, but ______ is white.

  A. my        B. I     C. mine    D. you

  8 I usually ride ______ bicycle to go to school.

  A.I     B. my    C. me     D. she

  9.This bedroom is _______. And that one is __________.

  A. your, my   B. yours, my    C. yours, mine     D. your, mine

  10. ----_________I help you? -----Sure.

  A. Am      B. Should   C. Would      D. May

  11 Li Lei is doing _______ homework at home.

  A. his     B. he    C. him    D. my

  12 .My bag is white, ______  is red.

  A. you   B. your    C. yours   D. yours’

  13.Li Cheng is ______ bus driver.

  A. us     B. our     C. we      D. I

  14.I want a coat ______ my son. Because _______cold.

  A. to , its     B. to, it’s      C. for, it’s      D. for, its

  15 My dress is green.What about      ?

  A. you      B. your     C. yours     D. you’re

  16 Is this computer ours?No, it’s

  A.they      B. ours     C. their      D. theirs

  17 Her handwriting is much better than

  A.mine      B. I      C. my       D. me

  18 This is____ Chinese stamp, that is___ English stamp.

  A. a, an      B. a, a   C . an, an     D. an, a

  五 翻译

  1 他喜欢他的妹妹。

  2 李明每天8点做家庭作业。

  3 我最喜欢的食物是米饭。

  4 她最喜欢的学科是语文。

  5 他最喜欢的运动是打篮球。

  6 我有一只小兔子,它的眼睛是红色的。

  7 这是我的钢笔。你的是红色的。

  8 这个书包是他的。那个书包是你的。

  9 这些苹果是你们的。那些苹果是我们的。

  10 (提高题) 李林是我的一个同学。








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